Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Long Time Coming

I am at work. So I should be working, obviously, rather than updating my blog. Especially since I'll be taking the next week off and am already behind in what I need to do before then. But our computer system is down so I'm really not able to do anything without that. Perfect timing, right? On the bright side of things, this gives me the perfect time to update this blog after a nearly 5 month absence. I know that's a long time but I don't think that it's affected my whole 7 followers too much =)

So what has been going on in the Bauerle household? Well, a lot actually. I started working full-time at the end of June for Western Governors University. At first, it was a huge adjustment and I dreaded leaving Ryder everyday but I think I've adjusted fairly well. I really love the company I work for, and the people I work with, so that has made the change a little easier. I also have the opportunity to work remotely from home in the next few weeks or so. I meet with my supervisor on January 5 and hopefully it will be all good things!! I'm so over getting ready in the mornings and commuting!

Now, on to more important things..... Ryder. Oh my, what a sweet boy I have been blessed with! This little man is almost 18 years old and continues to amaze me each and everyday. I know he was brought to this earth for a special purpose and he lights up my life. I love taking him places with me because I love seeing how he affects other people, even strangers. It doesn't matter where we are, the mall, the grocery store, Target, Ryder is always smiling at strangers and saying 'Hi' and it's so special to see the effect that has on others.

Ryder is all boy. He's so active, climbing on everything and running everywhere he goes. His favorite toys are his trucks, blocks, Little People toys, and his toy guitar. He knows some sign language and the ones he uses most often are milk, more, all done, please, and thank you. The words he can say are hi, mama, dada, nana (for my mom and for bananas), bath, bird, cheese, juice, wawa (water), dog, wuv woo (love you ). I know I'm the mom, so forgive all the bragging, but he really is so smart! I just can't wait to see how he'll keep learning and growing.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Taper Time

Marathon training has been going pretty well. I'm surprised how motivated I've been considering I haven't even registered for the race yet, and it's in 3 weeks =) Can you say procrastination?? I've been averaging about 30-35 miles a week now and I'm feeling really good. My right knee has been giving me a few problems lately, but I've been icing it everyday and my last few runs it's felt fine. I'm hoping it doesn't cause me any problems on race day.

Yesterday I did my last long training run of 20 miles. I ran along Wasach Blvd which is pretty hilly and ran against a strong headwind for about half of my run. It took me about 3 hours and 7 minutes which I'm pretty happy about considering my route and the heat. I'm looking forward to running my first marathon, although I am a little nervous and anxious about it. I have a few other friends running it as well so I'm looking forward to running it with them and having some much needed support. And who knows, maybe I'll catch the marathon bug and want to run 100s of them =)

What a week!

This week has been sooooo busy. So many things, mostly good but a few not so good, have kept us so busy. We've had a friends 30th birthday party, a bachelorette party, a wedding, a funeral, a 5K race, I finshed my last 20 mile training run, I accept a job offer which I start tomorrow, and my dear friend Tangee is in town visiting from Australia so Ryder and I have spent a lot of time hanging out with her. I will post pictures of all of these events soon.

And I know things are not about to slow down soon. Going back to work is going to be a challenge for me. I love, love, love being a stay at home mom to my sweet boy but I think, for right now, it's the right thing to do. It's a great opportunity, great benefits, and the potential of working from home after just a few months. The thought of leaving Ryder in daycare makes me want to cry but I'm forcing myself not to think of that. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to juggle it all, but I'm thankful my mom is coming down this week to take care of Ryder and make the transition easier for him and for me. I guess we'll see how it goes.....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Cole!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Angel Baby, Cole Matthew!! I can't believe it's been 2 years since we joined the angels in Heaven. I still miss you so much and think about you everyday. I know you're always with me, and your footprints lead to my heart, literally. I will never stop celebrating the day you came into my life, and today your dad and I will each release 2 blue balloons into the sky. So look for them in the clouds, ok? And when your little brother is old enough to understand, I can't wait to tell him all about you, and he'll celebrate your birthday with us each year. I know you're surrounded by some amazing angels and I hope they're taking good care of you. I love you my baby boy!!

Love, Mommy

Monday, April 19, 2010

I survived my 2nd 1/2 Marathon

Well, I did it. I ran the SLC 1/2 Marathon and I survived!! I've been having some stomach issues for the past couple of weeks so I was a little worried about how I was going to do during the race. The morning of the race was beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and a temperature of about 50 degrees for the start of the race at 7 am. There were so many people there, just seeing all of the other runners, in all shapes and sizes just got me really excited to start racing.

I felt really good for most of the race, had to stop for a potty break around mile 8, so I lost a couple of minutes there. But I kept a steady pace throughout the whole race until about mile 11.5 when my hip started hurting and I started running up a gradual incline. Seriously? Who puts a hill during the last couple miles of a long race?? It was not fun, and as I neared the top, I seriously felt like I was going to lose the energy gel I had just consumed. Put I pushed through, and was able to sprint (or at least attempt to) the last few hundred yards. I really wanted to beat my time from Surf City... And I did, by about 2 minutes!

So I learned my lesson. Even though sometimes I might lack motivation, if I have my heart and mind set on something, I know I can accomplish it. Now, I think I might be going crazy, but I'm setting my mind up for running a full marathon this summer! I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I Need Some Motivation!!

I'm supposed to be running the SLC half marathon in about 3 weeks. Well, I haven't even registered yet, and because of this, I've been having a hard time getting the motivation to do my training runs during the week. Every night I say the same thing, "Tomorrow I'm going to get up early and go before Jordan leaves for work". I think this has actually happened a total of 2, maybe 3, times. I always find an excuse to get out of it. I'm tired. The weather is crappy. I don't have enough time. I don't know what it is, especially because I do love running and I always feel better after I go on a run, so I don't know why I can't get motivated. I'm hoping that the new jogging stroller my husband spoiled me with for my bday will help kick me in the butt. Because now I literally can go anytime of day I want. So we'll see if I'll be ready for this race in 3 weeks....

And while we're on the subject of motivation. I'm 28. I've had a Bachelor's Degree for 4 years but have never even used it. Lame. What a waste. So my next mission is to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life. Lately I've been thinking a lot about teaching. Seriously, it's the ideal job for a mom. The pay isn't too bad for what you work, and I would have every day off that my kids do, not to mention the entire summer. I just don't know why I didn't realize this 6 years ago when I was actually in college?? So now I need to figure out how to achieve this and get a teaching certificate. I hate the idea of putting Ryder in daycare but I know it won't hurt him. An online teaching degree would be ideal but I don't know if something like that even exists. Ok, enough rambling for now. Off to do some research!

8 Months Old

My chunky monkey is 8 months old!!
Stats: 18 lb. 12 oz., 27.5 in.
He currently loves eating (everything!). His current new additions include tofu, chicken, Cheerios, and eggplant.
He's getting THISCLOSE to crawling, I'm thinking any day now. But he still has no teeth =)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Much Needed Update

Wow, I just realized it's been over a month since my last post. I'm horrible at blogging if you haven't already noticed. I apologize and promise to do better. Even though I'm sure there's only a handful of you out there!!

Anyways, the past month or so have been super busy for the Bauerle's. On February 7 I finished my first half marathon. I hit my goal time, and was actually a little under it, my official time was 1:51:40. But I'm sure the altitude change had a little something to do with that! It was such a great experience though and I totally fell in love with racing again. I'm already signed up for my next half on April 17 in Salt Lake City, and I hope to complete a couple of more half marathons and at least one full marathon before 2010 is over.

Also, Ryder and I moved back to Utah about 2 weeks ago. We found a great place to live, in a great neighborhood and we're really happy to be back living with Jordan again! We can finally be the family we want to be. Well, that's all the updating I have time for now. Ryder just woke up and will probably be starving!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

6 months!

I can't believe my little chunky monkey is already 6 months old!! Time sure has flown by and I can't believe the difference a few months makes. Here's a picture of him at 2 weeks compared to 6 months....

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I can't believe another new year is here. 2009 just flew by! It seems like yesterday that I was barely pregnant. At this time last year it looked like I had just eaten too many holiday cookies and not that I was cooking a little baby. And now my baby is almost 6 months old! Time really needs to slow down.

Here are 10 things that I hope to accomplish in 2010:

1. Continue with this blogging thing, and hopefully get more creative at it!
2. Run at least 1200 miles, including 3 half marathons and 1 full. Yikes, I realize how crazy I sound now that I'm reading what I just wrote!
3. Start a Master's program.
4. Brush up on my crocheting skills.
5. Make Ryder a scrapbook of the first year of his life, and organize the over 1300 pictures I have of him already!
6. Become better at staying in touch with people! I admit I'm really, really bad at this sometimes.
7. Join a book club.
8. Take a photography course.
9. Learn some new recipes! I'm getting tired of only knowing how to cook turkey burgers, turkey meatloaf, and turkey meatballs.
10. Go on a vacation with my husband. Just the two of us.

There are more things I want to do but just can't think of them now. So when I think of 10 more things I'll add them here and then you all can keep me accountable for finishing them!

Christmas 2009

The Bauerle's had a very fun, and relaxing, Christmas in Montana. It wasn't technically a "white Christmas" but I guess you can't have one every year. I've always loved Christmas but this year was even more special since Ryder was here to celebrate with us. It's true what they say about kids making holidays a lot more special.
We really enjoyed watching Ryder open up all of his presents, he definitely got spoiled!! But I think he enjoyed the wrapping paper and ribbons a lot more than the toys he got. Jordan and I told him stories about Jesus' birth and about Santa Claus too. I'm already looking forward to next year when he'll understand more about the holiday and he can help me leave out cookies and milk for Santa!