Saturday, December 5, 2009

1st time eating cereal!!

Hmm, not sure what I think about this, Mom.

Ok, I like it!

I want more!!

Pretty please??

My baby boy is growing up!! We fed him some oatmeal cereal for the first time the Sunday before Thanksgiving and he loved the stuff!! Both Jordan and I tried it as well, just a taste, and it does not taste good!! But Ryder has yet to try chicken wings or pizza so he doesn't know what he's missing out on.
I have a feeling that this boy will eat anything that's put in his mouth. I'm planning on starting veggies when he's 6 months old so I'm crossing my fingers that he'll love those as much as he loves his cereal!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy belated Thanksgiving!! I'm not the best blogger in the world, and my updates haven't been very consistent so far. You would think they would being a stay at home mom but I don't have as much free time as you might think.

Anyways, Ryder and I were lucky enough to fly down to Vegas for Thanksgiving to spend it with Jordan and his family. It was soooo good to see Jordan. It had been 7 weeks since we last saw him, way too long! We stayed with Jordan's mom for a few days, and then headed to his dad's for a couple of days.

The trip went by way too fast, even though we didn't do much. We really enjoyed the 65 degree weather, went on a few runs, and took Ryder on a bunch of walks. He really loves being outside and is very content sitting in his stroller while we push him along. I love that he loves the outdoors and I hope he always will.

Gotta love baths in the sink!

Hanging out in his new stroller, the Red Corvette.

All of the Bauerle boys.

We had such a great week in Vegas, I love my husband's family (well, now they are mine as well!) We hope to be relocating to Vegas in a few short weeks, if all works out. Hope you all are having a great holiday season!